Monday, January 13, 2020

High School Failure Outline Essay

I. Introduction: My high school experience was a failure not a success. A. Every person goes through high school with different influences, creating personal perspectives and experiences. I’ve learned many different things through my high school journey, some positive but more so negative. High school was entirely a negative experience for me, creating a poor view on the rest of the world. B. The main things that hindered my high school experience were my friends, my extracurricular activities, and my laziness. These caused negative influences on my grades, and created a barrier between me and my education. II. Bad choice of friends A. Friends had no drive for school either-I wasn’t able to focus on what really needed to be done. B. Peer Pressure- The pressure of having to impress all my friends was something that affected me negatively. Their wants and desires of me kept me doing things that I didn’t need to get involved in. C. Lack of educational goals- There was no standard set between my friends, or goals that they had. Because of their lack of desired success I had nothing to set my standards upon, therefore keeping me from long term educational goals. III. Extracurricular activities A. Working too much- During high school I put too much time into working playing sports, and dancing, which took away from my education and study time. B. Sports & Dance IV. Laziness A. My personality- Because of my strong willed, opinionated choleric personality my bad choices were even bigger than realized. B. No support and encouragement from parents- Having no support from my parents also made it hard on me in high school. Seeking encouragement is something that every student desires and needs while going through school. C. No goals- When there are no goals set, there is nothing to strive and hope for in the future, creating no drive and longing for success. V. Conclusion A. Through the things that I experienced in high school ruined my perspective on things. B. College has changed my view on my life, and given me drive to finish and be successful.

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