Friday, May 15, 2020

William Shakespeare s Othello And George Orwell s Animal...

Manipulation is a repulsive trait present in one’s personality which leads them to commit drastic deeds. One can use this to persuade people to do things for their own benefit. In William Shakespeare s Othello and George Orwell s Animal Farm, the main characters, Iago and Napoleon, manipulate others to achieve their personal goals. Napoleon and Iago manipulate their peers’ trust, their friendships, and abuse their ranks to reach their goals. Both Iago and Napoleon use this to their advantage and attempt to get what they want, not caring about the risks and consequences that could follow. Trust is a very important thing to have amongst friends and comrades. Although once a trust is formed, it can be easily manipulated, making people believe and see things that are not exactly true. An acceptable example is the character Iago from Othello. One scenario that is used in the play Othello is when Cassio is speaking with Desdemona, requesting her to speak with her husband to return his status as a lieutenant. Iago sees them while walking with Othello and he manipulates Othello into believing that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. OTHELLO Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul/ But I do love thee! And when I love thee not,/ Chaos is come again. IAGO. My noble lord- OTHELLO. What dost thou say, Iago? IAGO. Did Michael Cassio,/ When wooed my lady, know of your love? OTHELLO. He did, from first to last. Why dost thou ask?.... IAGO. I did not think heShow MoreRelatedGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pagestotalitarianism† †¢ Spread false information about themselves and their rival political opponents †¢ E.g. Change their entries on Wikipedia to improve own image †¢ E.g. Spreading of false claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction by the George W. Bush government (YouTube) Spread of idea of democracy †¢ Activists set up watchdog groups criticise governments for not being wholly democratic †¢ Amnesty International scrutinizes countries worldwide to determine whether they are democratic

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